10 Ways Gaming Can Support Positive Outcomes in Children and Young People

Children’s Mental Health Week is taking place 6-12 February 2023, and in support of this year’s event we’ve produced a #WakeUpWednesday guide which outlines how youngsters’ mental wellbeing can by boosted by an (arguably) unexpected source: video games. Many children view gaming in the same way that they regard reading a book or watching a movie: a way to relax and unwind.

Gaming not only helps young people to de-stress and gives them a valuable sense of satisfaction when they succeed in the game – it can also develop their essential life skills (such as problem solving, co-operation and social interaction) without young gamers even realising that they’re learning things. Check out this week’s guide for a more detailed run-down.

Read on to access your free guide…National Online Safety

This guide is from National Online Safety.