- English: Julia Jones, Mary McCormack, Rachel Carr (Phase Leaders)
- Early Reading: Julia Jones and Mary McCormack (Phase 1 and 2 Leaders)
- Mathematics: Julia Jones, Mary McCormack, Rachel Carr (Phase Leaders)
- Science: Alison Gulliver
- Computing: Mark Richards (supported by Kat Chandler)
- Physical Education and Sport: Beth Charters, Emma Havercroft and Liam Holmes
- Geography: Adam Sharpe
- History: Lydia Hiles
- PSHE Education and Personal Development: Helen Smith
- Art and Design: Mark Richards
- Design and Technology: Julia Jones
- Music: Helen Smith and Diane Martin
- Modern Foreign Languages (French): Katy McNichol and Louise Lawrence
- Religious Education: Rachel Carr
- Forest Schools: Adam Sharpe, Helen Smith, Rachel Carr
Click here for the staff gallery!