Friends of Lord Deramore’s Primary School

Introducing FoLD – a Parent, Teacher and Friends Association

We changed our name from ‘Lord Deramore’s PTA’ to ‘Friends of Lord Deramore’s Primary School’ (FoLD) after a school-wide poll held in Autumn 2019. This way we hope to indicate that we’re inclusive; you don’t need to be a parent or a teacher to join in – siblings, grandparents and neighbours are very welcome too!

Anyone who has a connection with Lord Deramore’s Primary School (e.g. has a child at Lord Deramore’s) and supports us is a friend. We hope all new parents and carers feel welcome at Lord Deramore’s.

If you’d like to become more involved with FoLD, besides attending or participating in our activities, we’d love to hear from you. Drop us an email!

What are we up to?

Upcoming Treasurer Vacancy

We are looking for a new Treasurer from September 2024 as part of our elected committee. This is required for the association to run. The role is mainly to ensure payments are made, organise floats for events and to keep an overview of our bank transactions. Tasks like counting and banking can be divided out amongst other FoLD volunteers but it would be really helpful if this is something you could help with.

Please note, there is no requirement to be involved with additional FoLD fun like event planning and organising, unless you are keen! If you think you can help or are interested to know more please contact us on, through the class WhatsApp groups, or speak to a FoLD rep in your class.

Lord Deramore’s School Summer Fair – Friday 21st June 2024, 3.15pm – 5pm

In preparation for the annual summer fair, FoLD are kindly asking for donations of sweets, small toys, stationary, tombola prizes and books. Donations can be left in the FoLD shed in front of the school hall. Donations of plants and baked goods welcomed on the day. If you would like to volunteer to help at the fair, please contact a FoLD volunteer, respond to the advert in your year WhatsApp group, or email us as soon as possible. Exciting details about the fair will follow in the coming weeks.

Bingo Night News!

A big thank you to the families who attended the Bingo event, it was lovely to see everyone having fun. Your support for the event raised a fantastic £228.76! Thank you to the staff and volunteers that helped make the event a success. A special thanks goes to Lord Deramore’s resident Bingo caller Mr Rourke!

You can keep up to date with our latest news by following FoLD on Facebook and Twitter – click the logos to find us on social media. And don’t forget to keep an eye open for news and updates from FoLD in the weekly update from school!

Who are we?

FoLD consists of:

  • Supporters: Those with links to Lord Deramore’s who attend and support our events and activities
  • Willing volunteers: Offering practical, hands-on help at events and/or specialised know-how (catering, crafts and PR to name a few!)
  • FoLD Event Planners WhatsApp group: Thinking/planning activities, providing advice, providing practical help and/or forwarding messages on to their year group(s).
  • The Committee: Those happy to be official Committee members – elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and holding office until the next AGM. The minimum number of committee members is two, a Chair and a Treasurer and ideally the committee will also have a Secretary/Communications Officer. The links below provide more information about the various roles:

What do we do to raise money for school?

We organise annual events such as Halloween disco, Christmas Fayre and Summer disco. We also frequently host other events throughout the year (bake sales, etc).

We also have regular second hand uniform sales. These happen the second week after each half term outside the Reception area, but days and times depend on the weather and volunteer availability. Please check our Twitter or Facebook sites for updates.

What have we achieved with the money raised so far?

We regularly help with school trip costs. We have also bought items for school, such as fiction and non-fiction books, PE and forest school equipment, and the sound system in the hall.

How can you help us?

  • Join our team: We are a team with some roles that need to be filled each year. If you’re interested in joining us, please look out for role vacancies and information in our Annual General Meetings (AGM).
  • Volunteer your time: We can’t make any of these wonderful events happen without parents and carers’ help. We have a WhatsApp group to organise events, or you can help on the day.
  • Donate second hand uniforms: Our popular second hand uniform sales depend on people donating clothes children grow out of. We accept donations of good quality and clean uniform trousers, pinafore dresses, skirts, polos, cardigans, jumpers, fleeces, etc, with or without the school logo. We also accept good quality, clean wellies and shoes. Please leave your donations in the FoLD shed outside the school hall.