Extra Curricular Activities & Clubs

Throughout the year, we provide a number of extra-curricular activities.  Some run at lunchtime although most run after school, and the range of clubs on offer varies throughout the year.  There may be a cost to those clubs provided by external providers or where there is an outlay for materials needed. Staff will notify parents/carers of any activities that require permission.

At Lord Deramore’s we believe that all children should have access to high quality extra-curricular opportunities regardless of family financial circumstance. Therefore, for families eligible for Free School Meals, we provide an annual voucher scheme. Each family receives vouchers totalling £100 to be used to fund the cost of attending clubs. Our Pupil Premium Champions actively monitor, promote and support families to use these in order to enhance extra curricular engagement for all pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium.

  • Families are sent information about the clubs that we expect to run, together with a Google form to book places, in a weekly update towards the end of each term
  • Clubs on offer vary from term to term – please see the overview below of what we plan to offer this term
  • Clubs may be organised by Lord Deramore’s staff, or by independent providers – for clubs organised by independent providers, please contact the relevant provider directly with any queries
  • Please note that we rely on the club provider to keep us up to date with information for this page; if we are notified of any changes we will keep you informed and please do check with the club provider if you are uncertain

In addition to this wide range of extra-curricular clubs, we also offer opportunities for Pupil Leadership.

The clubs have different start and end dates depending on the nature of the club so please check the information on the form and the letter you will be sent carefully! We rely on club providers to keep us up to date with any changes, and if we are notified of any we always aim to keep you informed.

Spring Term 2025 Clubs

The booking form for clubs is sent to families on ParentPay and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis; you will be informed of places before the club starts. The clubs have different start and end dates depending on the nature of the club so please check the information on the form and the letter you will be sent carefully! We rely on club providers to keep us up to date with any changes, and if we are notified of any we always aim to keep you informed.

Click for a larger .pdf version!

Clubs that may be offered throughout the year include:

Art – provided by Mr Richards

Years 2-6
In this weekly art club, Mr Richards explores different styles and techniques, giving children a change to use different materials and create exciting pieces of art work.
Contact: Mr Richards – mrichards@lordderamores.com

Chess – hosted by Noel Stewart

Years 3-6
Noel Stewart is a member of the English Chess Federation and also an ECF Accredited Chess Coach. Each week, the children learn and practise chess moves and strategies. They play games against other children in the club.
Contact: Noel Stewart – noel338@btinternet.com

Cookery – hosted by Clare’s Kitchen

Years 1-6
Clare’s Kitchen provides two hour cookery lessons each week. The club runs on two different days due to demand. The club is delivered through 5 week modules, each covering a different theme/skill. Children may attend any of the modules and there is no need to have completed other modules in order to attend. During the sessions, children prepare a dish which is cooked and brought home at the end of the session.
Contact: Clare Halliday – clareskitchen@yahoo.co.uk

Gardening – hosted by Mrs Jones and Mrs Carr

Years 4-6
Running fortnightly during lunchtime, children have the opportunity to help tidy and weed the flower beds around school. They will be able to plan what to plant as well as plant and care for them.
Contact:  Mrs Jones – jjones@lordderamores.com

Instrument Lessons

If your child is interested in music lessons, we have the following opportunities:

Lego challenge – hosted by Mrs Jones and the UoY

Children in Year 5 & 6 will have the opportunity to use LEGO to take part in a robotics challenge. They will be learning lots of programming skills as well as problem solving and team working. 10 places only. No cost.
Contact: Mrs Jones – jjones@lordderamores.com

Library – hosted by Mrs Jones and Miss McCormack

All Year Groups
The library is open after school each Friday for children and parents/carers to browse, chat about and borrow books. No space limit and no need to book.
Contact Miss McCormack: mmccormack@lordderamores.com

Orchestra – hosted by Mrs Martin

Diane Martin teaches music across Phases 2 and 3. Children who play an acoustic instrument and have had formal lessons are welcome to join the orchestra. The orchestra have the opportunity to perform at school events such as the Carol Concert as well as the annual music event in the summer term.
Contact: Mrs Martin – dmartin@lordderamores.com

Senior Choir – hosted by Miss Smith

Years 4-6
The senior choir runs one lunchtime per week and there is no need for children to book a place via the Google form, but can inform Miss Smith directly. The choir have opportunities to sing the songs they have learnt in assemblies and at events such as the Archbishop Holgate’s Carol Service in the Minster.
Contact: Miss Smith – hsmith@lordderamores.com

Spanish – hosted by Louise Lawrence

Louise Lawrence teachers French to the children in Phase 3 each week. In her after school Spanish club for EY to Y3, Louise teaches basic Spanish words and phrases through songs, stories and games.
Contact: Louise Lawrence – louise@ljllanguages.com

Story Club – hosted by the Year 6 Reading Champions

Open to children in EY and KS1
The wonderful Reading Champions share their love of books and reading with the younger members of our school community in our cosy welcoming library space. This club takes place at lunch times and there is no need to book.

Total Sports

Years 1-6 (days vary)
Total Sports provides two clubs per week throughout the year. These clubs are seasonal and may be football, dodgeball, cricket or rounders. Football is bookable via the school Google Form, other clubs are bookable directly through Total Sports.
Contact: Total Sports – enquiries@totalsportslimited.co.uk

TuTu Funky – hosted by Miss Havercroft

Years 4-6.
Miss Havercroft runs Tutu-Funky each week for Y4-6. Each term, the children learn a couple of dances which are then performed to parents and the rest of the school. Some years there is the opportunity to perform in the annual Dance Festival.
Contact: Miss Havercroft – tutufunky@hotmail.com

Click here for information about Kids Kabin Out of School Club, which is Lord Deramore’s wraparound care provision.