Our child and family centred approaches aim to offer equality of opportunity to all learners, including those with special educational needs and disabilities and those whose early life experiences have had a negative impact on their learning and wellbeing. We aspire to identify, assess and meet individual needs such that each child receives the support they need to access the rich curricular and social opportunities offered by our school, and to reach their full potential.Lord Deramore's SEND and Inclusion Policy
Our SEND and Inclusion team is made up of Mrs Carr ( Deputy Head and SENDCo & Inclusion Leader) and several Teaching Assistants with particular SEN specialisms, who work together with Mr Rourke (Headteacher), all teaching and support staff, parents and carers to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our children.
Our link governor for SEND is Sue Perutz.
Mrs Carr can be contacted by emailing rcarr@lordderamores.com. Please be aware that while staff regularly check their email, due to the busy nature of the school day, we cannot always read messages or reply to them immediately, especially during teaching hours. If you have an urgent query please contact the office who will be able to pass your message along.
You will find our SEND Report below, and our SEND & Inclusion Policy, Accessibility Plan and other documents relating to SEND provision on the School Policies page.
SEND Report 2023-2024
York Local Offer
For information about the provisions in and across York for children with special educational needs and disabilities, please see the SEND local offer in York on the yorksend.org website.
Raise York and York SEND Local Offer websites
The Raise York site is part of the city’s new network of Family Hubs; a project funded by the Department for Education to bring together organisations supporting children and families in a ‘one stop shop’. The aim is to make it easier to get advice, help and support on a wide range of topics including infant feeding, mental health support, health visits and parenting classes. In partnership with Raise, York SEND Local Offer (yorksend.org) has also relaunched onto its own site. The new website site provides a dedicated resource for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, their families and the professionals working with them.
York SEND Outcomes Framework
York SEND Outcome Framework poster ~ York SEND Outcome Framework factsheet 2022
Concerns or Complaints
We hope that we can all work together to see your child make good progress. If, however, you have a concern or complaint about the support and help we have offered your child, the following steps should be taken:
- Discuss the matter with the class teacher and/or the SENDCo.
- If the problem is not resolved arrange a meeting with Mr Rourke, the Head Teacher. It may be appropriate for others to be involved in the meeting (e.g. the class teacher, SENDCo or other professionals). You can also speak with the SEN Governor, Mrs Sue Perutz. We will make every effort to resolve the matter in school.
- If the problem still remains unresolved you can meet with a representative of the Local Authority. Contact a member of the SEN department on 01904 554320 or emailing SENdept@york.gov.uk to arrange this.