Welcome to Phase 2 – Bridging KS1 and KS2

Phase two is where you will find our Year 2 & Year 3 classes.

Meet the Team

The Phase 2 team: Mrs Doughty, Mrs Pierotti, Mrs Charters, Ms Howland, Mrs Hiles, Mrs Gulliver, Miss McCormack and Mrs Graham

We hope you find the following information useful. If you have any questions or comments for either class, please email:


Alternatively, you can phone school and leave a message via the office or pop in and see us at the end of the day.

Newsletters and Information for Families

At the start of each term, we will send out a Phase 2 Newsletter via ParentPay. The newsletter outlines relevant information for that term.

Phase 2 Homework Menus

Each half term, we will send out a home learning menu for both year groups in Phase 2 with a wide range of activities linked to our learning in school. The children can complete any of the activities they choose and we encourage them to bring in any completed work to share with the class. However, this is optional. 

We will send home basic skills activities as and when appropriate. All children in Phase 2 have access to Numbots and, from the Spring Term of Year 2, TTRockstars.


For more detail of our curriculum in Phase 2, please take a look at the Curriculum area of our website.


Our aim is to continue to foster a love of books and reading for enjoyment and information. At the start of Year 2, the children will continue to bring home a Little Wandle reading book for you to celebrate with them their increasing reading skills. It will be a book they have already read in school so they will be able to read it confidently and fluently. Please listen to them read this book at least 3 times. As your child becomes a more fluent reader, they will move onto our colour banded books progression. They will then be able to pick their own book from a wide selection and change their book as often as needed. We still encourage parents/carers to read with children three times a week as this helps to develop their fluency and comprehension skills further. During Year 3 some children will start to select their reading book from the school library. Again, we would encourage parents and carers to continue hearing their children read these books and talking to them about what they have read.   

The children will bring home a library book each week. This may be a book they can read by themselves, especially as they move into Year 3, or it may be a book that you read to them. The children can change their library book any day of the week.

End of the School Day

Year 2 children will be handed to a parent/carer at the classroom door.

Year 3 children will walk round together with their teacher to the area near the bike sheds.. If they forget something, please ask them to come back in to get it themselves. If a parent/carer is late, the children come back into school and a member of staff will take them to the school office.

Useful Links

Remember, you can keep up to date with what is happening in school on Facebook and Twitter.