Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 make up Phase 3 in our wonderful school.
Meet the Team
We hope you find the following information useful. If you have any questions or comments for the phase three classes, please email
Alternatively, you can phone school and leave a message via the office or pop in and see us at the end of the day.
At the start of each term, we will send out a Phase 3 Newsletter via ParentPay. The newsletter outlines relevant information for that term.
Phase 3 Homework Menus
The Curriculum
For more detail of our curriculum in Phase 3, please take a look at the Curriculum area of our website.
Our aim is to build on the skills of reading and the enjoyment of books already embedded. Some children will be continuing to follow the reading scheme and using reading books to develop their decoding and comprehension. Once these skills are secure, they will move to a wider selection of books from the library. Decoding, fluency and comprehension continue to be developed through regular practise and reading aloud. We encourage parents/carers to continue to listen to their child read regularly and to talk about the books they bring home. All children have access to the school library throughout the week and will have a library book as well as a reading book.
- Top Tips for Reading in Years 3 & 4
- Top Tips for Reading in Years 5 & 6
- Book Trust Great Books Guide Age 8+
- Great Reads for Years 3 & 4
- Great Books for Year 5
- Great Books for Year 6
Homework is carefully planned to practise key skills, develop independence and encourage children to create routines which benefit them as they move on to secondary school. Homework consists of 3 types throughout the year; reading, maths and topic.
We ask that children read regularly at home and that all children read at least some of their book out loud to an adult. Daily reading is encouraged and as children become more fluent and independent in their reading, this is something they can do without too much adult support.
Our maths homework focuses on the fast recall of times tables and division facts. Learning number facts by heart reduces the amount of calculating needed when solving mathematical problems. Research shows that knowing addition, subtraction, times tables and division facts, rather than having to work them out, results in more confident and efficient mathematicians. The maths homework in Phase 3 is time on TTRockstars. Each child has an account they can access from school and home. The games are set up to match the need of each individual child and moves them along the program. Children should spend time on TTRockstars each week to develop their skills.
The topic homework changes each term and is linked to the topic the phase is studying. These activities are optional and are designed to make links with learning at home so that parents and carers can be a part of their child’s learning. There is no expectation to record anything and there is no homework book. If your child would like to share an activity they have completed with their class, they can bring it to school or tell the teacher what they have been doing.
End of the School Day
At the end of the day, the children will exit the classroom and go to the playground independently. If they forget something, please ask them to come back in to get it themselves. If a parent/carer is late, the children come back into school and a member of staff will take them to the school office to wait.
Useful Links
- For parents/carers
- For pupils
*Transition to Secondary School*
Secondary school applications for a place in Y7 in September 2025 opened in September 2024, and the national deadline for applying was the 31st October. Click here for more information about the secondary school application process.
Remember, you can keep up to date with what is happening in school on Facebook and Twitter.