
Official Opening

Our new school building was officially opened by Mr David Foster, a governor at our school for 40 years, on Thursday 6th April 2017. The hall was decorated with bunting, the orchestra played and we celebrated with songs and poetry reading. There were special guests, speeches and presentations, as well as the unveiling of a commemorative plaque and ceremonial ribbon cutting. This was followed by a whole school tea party to say goodbye to Mrs Sheena Powley, who is moving on after 21 years as Headteacher at Lord Deramore’s Primary School.

World Book Day 2017

What an exciting day we  had at Lord Deramore’s celebrating World Book Day and our love of reading! There were lots of amazing costumes. You could see The Mad Hatter, Fantastic Mr Fox, Captain Haddock and Alfie, the Doorstep Cat, as well as many more. See how many characters you can recognise. There were so many inventive outfits but eventually the school council were able to select a winner from each class. We also had an extremely entertaining Book Factor Assembly. Congratulations to Mrs Gulliver, as The Disgusting Sandwich, on her victory!